It's been a long time, but I think that's an ancient behavior that Jim and I 
argued about many years ago.  Maybe even in Rdb$ELN, InterBase's ancestor.  

Unless my memory fails me (again) the internal format rectifier doesn't go 
through all intermediate formats, it just converts from the stored format to 
the format requested.  I came up with some places where not considering the 
intermediate formats produced different results, but most were errors. Jim 
thought it was idiotic to go through a lot of extra work to discover errors 
that had been corrected.  My use case may have involved changing a field from 
varchar to double and back when the field contains alphabetic characters.  The 
non-errors might be that changing a field from double (format 1) to float 
(format 2) and back (format 3) had the result that format 1 records had 
truncated values (at the low end) when seen as format 2, and went back to full 
precision when viewed as format 3.

The case at hand includes a relatively new feature - new fields that are not 
null and include a default.

 Create a table with no field called "NewField".  (Format 1)
 Store a record with the primary key of 1.
Alter the table adding "NewField", not null, default "Ann".  (Format 2)
Store a record with the primary key 2 and no value for "New Field"
Alter the record again, changing the default to "Jim". (Format 3)
Store a record with the primary key 3 and no value for "New Field" 
Read all the records.

 1 Jim
2 Ann
3 Jim

The situation is that Firebird converts record 1 from format 1 to format 3 
without going through format 2.  If it had gone through format 2, the initial 
default value would be applied and you'd see

1 Ann
2 Ann
3 Jim

Should the behavior be changed?  It's ancient.  It has benefits (e.g. Changing 
a column from double to float and back).  The benefits are in dumb cases.  The 
new behavior might be more standard conformant, if the standard allows addind 
Not Null columns with defaults and the Standards Committee assumed that default 
values were added in the most crude way possible.  



Just explained this to Jim who said "That's a dumb case.  Who cares?"

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