
Imagine that you are an application developer and develop an application that allow users to enter connection string for database they want to work with. Imagine that in new version of the application you would like to add some work with services (backup, restore, stats, etc.)
  What options do you have to make a string that can be used in 
isc_service_attach() call?

1) Ask user to enter host name and database name separately then combine the string in form <host name>:service_mgr;
2) Parse database connection string entered by user to get host name.

First option has backward compatibility problem because in previous version of the application you asked only for whole connection string. Second option has forward compatibility problem because in new versions of Firebird format of connection string can be changed.

  I'd suggest to offer to the application developer third, more convenient, 
option: subj.
If database connection string is used this way, server can automatically set the database name to expected_db and dbname tags if they are not provided explicitly.

I.e. instead of "fbsvcmgr.exe localhost:service_mgr -action_nbackup -dbname test -nbk_level 0 -nbk_file file.nbk" one could use "fbsvcmgr.exe localhost:test -action_nbackup -nbk_level 0 -nbk_file file.nbk".


  WBR, SD.

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