On 27/08/2018 12:59, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>> Statement consistency should be about individual SQL (SELECT / UPDATE /
>> INSERT / MERGE / UPDATE OR INSERT) statements, not requests.
>   This is not consistency. This is spaghetty.

We should live with it, as we don't have power to go back to the past of
user's code side effects done outside the database.

Oracle docs:

"If a |SELECT| list contains a PL/SQL function, then the database
applies statement-level read consistency at the statement level for SQL
run within the PL/SQL function code, rather than at the parent SQL
level. For example, a function could access a table whose data is
changed and committed by another user. For each execution of
the |SELECT| in the function, a new read-consistent snapshot is

This is about a function being called by SQL.

Now about going back to user's parent statement (possible not SQL, but
PSQL): n oway you can redo execution.


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