Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <> wrote Mon, 27 Aug 2018 20:10:49 +0300:

And when the user executes that EXECUTE BLOCK, all the whole thing may
execute repeated times.

So we cannot use any external routines with side effects anymore in
Firebird. Not even internal functions with side effects.

PROC2 has an autonomous transaction? Forget, now it can execute multiple

External routines manipulating files? Forget, cannot do it anymore.

Some HTTP post/put called in a PSQL logic? No, we can't do it anymore.

Firebird is now limited to only manipulate data on the same transaction,
everything else may work or not anymore, depending if others users are
doing concurrent writes to some table.


I do not see any big problems with the restart of statements. Using functions with a side effect in any case requires a very careful design. Send mail from any procedure, the transaction of which will be rolled back nothing better than sending mail twice.

Simonov Denis

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