19.03.2019 12:26, Bastian Seeleib - Ölmühle Solling wrote:

I’m trying to build Firebird 2.5 with msvc14 (Visual Studio 2015, Version 
14.0.25420.1) but I’m running into issues.
I don’t know if this is the correct Mailing-List to ask this question, 
hopefully you can help me (-:

I have the Prerequisites (Visual Studio and sed) installed. make_icu.bat works without problems, but running make_boot.bat throws errors with btyacc and missing lib files.

firebird\gen\x64\btyacc: 11 shift/reduce conflicts, 5 reduce/reduce conflicts.


Building BLR Table

A compiler error occurred.

  I remember there was reports about compiler errors by VC14 when compiling 
fb2.5 code.

5>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\bseeleib\Desktop\firebird\temp\x64\Release\dsql_server_classic\dsql_server_classic.lib'

Do I need to Build Firebird 2.5 with an older Version of msvc?

  The best (and only guarantee) is to use "official" compiler. For fb25 on 
Windows  it is VC8 (VS2005).
Must add that I built recently fb2.5 using fresh VC15 (VS 2017) Community 
Edition with no problem.


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