
Dne 11. 06. 20 v 16:38 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):
2. Strange things with iUtil in FB 4.

a) Why methods getDecFloat16, getDecFloat34 and getInt128 require
iStatus parameter? I expected that these methods should be "safe" like
iMaster.getUtilInterface() and thus should not require iStatus.

Methods that appear in non first version of an interface should have the
status parameter as even if never return an error, it may be missing on
a previous interface, which is an error. More below.

Hmm, guess that it would make sense to have mandatory iStatus as first parameter in each method (regardless it's use to report errors), in any method added after initial 3.0 release. So there is in fact an error in IDecFloat16/34 interfaces that should be fixed before final, as BCD methods does not have it.

b) Is it possible to extract time/timestamp related methods from iUtil
out to separate iTimezone interface like it was done for defloat/i128
? The iUtil is a "sink" interface prone to change, which over time
would make it [a] "crowded" and [b] subject of version escalation.

If we consider whole set of functions, including ones in stable
versions, what is different here is the decfloat, not the date/time
functions. And the non-tz version are in released version already.

iUtil was "don't fit anywhere, so it goes here" mash-up interface at the beginning. It's unfortunate it's future was not better thought out, but we could live with the "few" methods we've got in it with initial version. However, the "Util" name means that method list will only grow (it would certainly not happen if it would be named iLegacy). Just in FB 4 it would grow by 16 methods (to 29 in total) if it would follow the flat approach. Thankfully decfloat/i128 have their own interfaces that could grow *independently* from iUtil. It would be nice if we would have the same for datetime. Pity that it was not done initially with 4 decode/encode date/time functions, as it would become handy when timezone functions were added. Anyway, it would be nice if FB 4 will grow iUtil only by 4 new methods instead 9 as it is now, by moving tz-related ones in separate interface as well (and maybe *duplicating* the 4 ones from iUtil as well for convenience? or the without-tz type will be deprecated eventually?).

It would be a little bit unfortunate if we will end with 50+ method iUtil interface in FB 6, thought. You may think that huge interfaces does not matter, and you will be certainly right that there is no real *technical* disadvantage. But they are really inconvenient for developers to use, i.e. to memorize and navigate the documentation and code completion, especially if they are "mash-up" ones like iUtil.


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