On 04-12-2020 14:58, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
On 12/4/20 4:38 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
A bug was reported today against Jaybird (http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/JDBC-635), that certain Srp users cannot authenticate against Firebird 3 when using Jaybird. The issue is not reproducible with fbclient.

This obviously means that there is something wrong in Jaybird's SRP implementation, but so far I have no clue as to what.

The reported problem occurs with the user name DAVIDS (and one other username that wasn't provided). I can report the problem locally with this username.

Any ideas, or tips how to debug this?

In Srp plugin we have debugging facility:

#define SRP_DEBUG 0     // 1 - prints some debug info
                         // 2 - uses consts instead randoms

Using it at level 1 (special FB build on lnux needed) you can at once see what happens on server (and compare with use of fbclient). If it's not enough - use of level 2 required changes at client side (random numbers should be replaced with predefined constants thus making process of authentication exactly reproducible). With it and some debugging printout on client all SRP behavior becomes abs clear.

Thanks, I'll try that this weekend.

Mark Rotteveel

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