
Since Firebird 2.5, we have been able to replace almost all UDFs with built-in 

There is only one left (it’s the Highlander :)) : formatting dates and 
timestamps to readable format for hungarian people:

-- Hungarian format
select to_char(cast('TODAY' as date), 'YYYY.MM.DD') from rdb$database
-- 2021.05.19

-- English format
select to_char(cast('TODAY' as date), 'DD/MM/YYYY') from rdb$database
-- 19/05/2021

-- Year + month
select to_char(cast('TODAY' as date), 'YY/MM') from rdb$database
-- 21/05

-- Short hungarian format
select to_char(cast('2001.5.7' as date), 'YY.MM.DD') from rdb$database
-- 01.05.07

-- Hungarian timestamp format
select to_char(cast('NOW' as timestamp), 'YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss') from 
-- 2021.05.19 19:05:46


If anyone has an idea of what can be used instead, I would greatly appreciate 
Of course, a built-in function would be best, but please, this should not be 
the suggestion:

select extract(year from cast('NOW' as timestamp)) || '.' ||
       lpad(extract(month from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || '.' ||
       lpad(extract(day from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || ' ' ||
       lpad(extract(hour from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || ':' ||
       lpad(extract(minute from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || ':' ||
       lpad(extract(second from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0')
from rdb$database



From: Nils Bödeker [mailto:nilsboede...@t-online.de]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 6:34 PM
To: For discussion among Firebird Developers 
Subject: Re: [Firebird-devel] Deprecations


as user opinion (sorry)

We still using UDFs.

Own written and external like this one


For us, UDF support should be still in FB 5.

With best regards

Nils Bödeker

Am 18.05.2021 um 23:44 schrieb Adriano dos Santos Fernandes 

UDF was been deprecated in FB 4.

Could we remove them from master for v5?

Also QLI, I believe nobody uses it and there should be no good reason to
maintain it.

I know TCS uses it, so it should be changed.


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