On 2021-05-19 19:40, Omacht András wrote:

Since Firebird 2.5, we have been able to replace almost all UDFs with
built-in functions.

There is only one left (it’s the Highlander :)) : formatting dates
and timestamps to readable format for hungarian people:

-- Hungarian format

select to_char(cast('TODAY' as date), 'YYYY.MM.DD') from rdb$database

-- 2021.05.19

-- English format

select to_char(cast('TODAY' as date), 'DD/MM/YYYY') from rdb$database

-- 19/05/2021

-- Year + month

select to_char(cast('TODAY' as date), 'YY/MM') from rdb$database

-- 21/05

-- Short hungarian format

select to_char(cast('2001.5.7' as date), 'YY.MM.DD') from rdb$database

-- 01.05.07

-- Hungarian timestamp format

select to_char(cast('NOW' as timestamp), 'YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss') from

-- 2021.05.19 19:05:46


If anyone has an idea of what can be used instead, I would greatly
appreciate it.

Of course, a built-in function would be best, but please, this should
not be the suggestion:

The following should be a SQL standard replacement to format dates (and parse from a specific format): https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/2388; not implemented yet, nor actually planned for a version.


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