
Currently it's possible to set TraceDSQL config parameter in dev build
to have formatted statement BLR in firebird.log, but that is not
sufficient for automated tests.

I want to add facility to make it possible to applications request
individual statements BLR for debug and test purposes (also in prod build).

Here is the design I would go:

interface Statement
        const uint PREPARE_PRESERVE_BLR = 0x80;

#define isc_info_sql_blr_bytes 31
#define isc_info_sql_blr_text 32

Statements prepared with PREPARE_PRESERVE_BLR would be usable with
getInfo and isc_info_sql_blr_*.

isc_info_sql_blr_bytes retrieves raw BLR bytes and isc_info_sql_blr_text
retrieves formatted BLR as the BLOB filter/TraceDSQL.

ISQL will have SET BLR_DISPLAY OFF/ON/ONLY. ONLY will make only
prepare/display without execution.

ISQL would use isc_info_sql_blr_text and retrieves already formatted
data ready for display.

That would be for master and v4.



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