On 2021-08-31 21:10, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
Mark Rotteveel wrote 31.08.2021 19:05:
   What does SQL standard say about it?

Not much, beyond "iv) The precision and scale of the result of division are implementation-defined."

  So theoretically result of division of two exact numbers can be
inexact number like DOUBLE PRECISION but it has not enough precision
to make 1/3*3=1 anyway.

No, the result of the division between two exact numeric values must be an exact numeric value ("the declared type of both operands of a dyadic arithmetic operator is exact numeric and the declared type of the result is an implementation-defined exact numeric type", same section of SQL:2016-2).

The dialect 1 behaviour is not compliant because the result is not an exact numeric value, but an approximate numeric value (double precision).

The only debatable feature of dialect 3 division is the fact the calculation stops (equivalent to floor rounding), while reduction of scale through assignment or cast applies half-up rounding, on the other hand, this behaviour is consistent with integer division, otherwise NUMERIC(18,0) division and BIGINT division would have to behave differently (e.g. 14/3 = 5 for NUMERIC(18,0) vs = 4 for BIGINT), which would be confusing as hell, though technically you could solve that by applying the "The precision and scale of the result of division are implementation-defined." (there is no requirement that BIGINT/BIGINT is BIGINT or NUMERIC/DECIMAL with a scale of 0).


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