31.08.2021 23:53, Mark Rotteveel wrote:

The only debatable feature of dialect 3 division is the fact the calculation stops (equivalent to floor rounding), while reduction of scale through assignment or cast applies half-up rounding

"Whether to round or truncate when performing division is implementation-defined." (c) SQL spec ;-)

However, being compliant does not necessarily mean being useful, the standard leaves too many gaps here.

this behaviour is consistent with integer division, otherwise NUMERIC(18,0) division and BIGINT division would have to behave differently (e.g. 14/3 = 5 for NUMERIC(18,0) vs = 4 for BIGINT), which would be confusing as hell

This is what PostgreSQL does. They use integral division only if both arguments are integers (not numerics!). However, this is not very confusing for them, because their "implementation-defined scale" is always the maximum possible (instead of our scaleA+scaleB), so they get:

select 14::bigint / 3::bigint = 4
select 14::numeric(18, 0) / 3::numeric(18, 0) = 4.666666666666667

the latter may produce 5 when casted to BIGINT explicitly, but from another side it will produce 4.67 when casted to NUMERIC(18, 2).


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