Let's recap that.

I wanted to control the order of constructors mostly to control the order
of destructors (which should be inverse).

Then a non-GlobalPtr/-InitInstance object allocating memory would not cause
a crash if the memory manager is destroyed before it.

It looks like there is another way to make that.

std::atexit (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/atexit) docs

"The functions will be called during the destruction of the static objects,
in reverse order: if A was registered before B, then the call to B is made
before the call to A. Same applies to the ordering between static object
constructors and the calls to atexit: see std::exit

And std::exit (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/exit) says:

"1) destructors of objects with static storage duration are called in
reverse order of completion of their constructors or the completion of their
 dynamic initialization
and the functions passed to std::atexit
<https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/atexit> are called in
reverse order they are registered (last one first).
a) any static objects whose initialization was completed before the call to
std::atexit <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/atexit> for
some function F will be destroyed after the call to F during program
b) any static objects whose construction began after the call to std::atexit
<https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/atexit> for some
function F will be destroyed before the call to F during program
termination (this includes the case where std::atexit
<https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/atexit> was called from
the constructor of the static object)"

So a static storage object allocating memory with the default pool will
call the allocator before it's constructor begins (and of course,
completes) so if the allocator registers a atexit handler for cleanup, that
handler will be called after the object destructor.

I did a test and result in Linux (clang and gcc), Windows (VS 2017 and
2019) and MacOS (clang) is identical:

// a.cpp
#include <cstdio>

extern void fb();

struct CA
        CA(int n)
                : n(n)
                printf("CA(%d)\n", n);

                if (n == 2)

                printf("~CA(%d)\n", n);

        int n;

static CA ca1(1);
static CA ca2(2);
static CA ca3(3);

int main()
        return 0;


// b.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>

struct CB
        CB(int n)
                : n(n)
                printf("CB(%d)\n", n);

                printf("~CB(%d)\n", n);

        void f()
                printf("CB::f(%d)\n", n);

        int n;

static CB cb1(1);
static CB cb2(2);

static void fexit()

void fb()




On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 2:25 PM Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <
adrian...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> C++ guarantees the execution order of constructors only inside the same
> translation unit (say, a .cpp file) for global objects.
> It also guarantees inverse order of destructors in relation to
> constructors order.
> But constructor order across translation units are undefined.
> We used to have problems with that.
> Then things like InitInstance and GlobalPtr were born.
> As I understand, in "common" (not Firebird code) C++, usage of
> new/malloc on library code not paired with delete/free becomes memory
> leaks when that library are unloaded.
> But in Firebird these goes to default pool with are deallocated at
> library exit.
> It's good thing, but it's were the problem starts.
> I was doing some tests integrating Boost.Test library in Firebird code.
> And then it segfaults at exit.
> It uses global std objects which in this case have theirs destructors
> called after Firebird default pool are already cleaned up.
> In current code, we have re2 C++ library statically linked.
> It looks like it works because it does not have global objects, i.e., we
> rely on re2 implementation details.
> I was looking at better way to solve this problem.
> GCC/clang has init_priority attribute:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C_002b_002b-Attributes.html
> It's not well documented. Here we see some implementation details about
> default value:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-help/2015-08/msg00027.html
> I have tested with common/classes/init.cpp and this solved the specific
> problem I had with Boost.Test:
> Cleanup global __attribute__ ((init_priority (2000)));
> For MSVC I didn't tested, but found this docs with probably could be
> used for similar behavior:
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/preprocessor/init-seg?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=msvc-160
> Adriano
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