„The main reason why this "removal of trailing partial contraction" was 
done is to achieve behavior "consistent" with search/evaluation in other 
software (like text editors etc.), so (for example) STARTING WITH "C" or 
LIKE "C%" will return rows starting with "C" or "CH".

This behavior itself is questionable (but more about that later)

I try to understand the issue but meybe simpler description is required.

When i use WIN1250 collate PXW_PLK (my Polish language)
Then engine threat all „ch” as single letter in the index?
And i cannot find looking by only „c” without „h” with index lookup?

If yes how engine decide that this is „ch” or  „c” and „h” in words?

If i write:
„chmura” it can be ok

But if i write (i write upper letter to show the problem):
„cHandle” which is not „ch” at all?

Is my understanding ok or i misunderstand description of performance 

Karol Bieniaszewski

Od: Pavel Cisar
Wysłano: czwartek, 4 listopada 2021 15:14
Do: firebird-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Temat: Re: [Firebird-devel] RFC: Fix for issue 6915

Mama mia, here we go again.

I have no intention to get sucked even deeper into this endless 
discussion. I'm fighting covid right now and really don't feel fit for 
it. In fact, I personally don't care HOW this will be fixed, as long as 
it WOULD be fixed in some timely manner, which is obviously and sadly 
not going to happen.

If it would be on me, the best fix would be fixing physical storage 
inefficiency for UTF8 data. The "contraction" problem is in Firebird for 
long time, and it wasn't real performance killer until everyone keeps 
with NARROW charsets (proven by tests). It's the UTF8 storage 
inefficiency that blows this out of proportions (also proven by tests). 
Everyone knows that this is the real problem that hurts the performance 
in general, and there was a push from users to solve that for many 
years. There was even new RLE code from ElectLabs to solve it, and 
although it was not accepted - as far as I remember - a solution was 
promised by project. Six years later, we still got nothing (I and see no 
such thing on v5.0 roadmap so go figure).

Now this failed promise bitten us back as another unhappy Firebird user 
(one from big Czech software houses that uses Firebird from day one) 
that needs to switch hundreds of databases of its big international 
customers from codepages to UTF8 in Q1/2 next year got stuck as 
extensive testing revealed serious performance issues after switch to 
UTF8 ("contraction" issue is just the biggest performance loss spike, so 
they bring it to our attention). They are even willing to pay to get it 
solved, but as months pass, it's more and more obvious that they will 
eventually end as dead in the water (no solution in due time). Guess 
what? As they are under pressure themselves to do the switch, they will 
have to start move away from Firebird for important big projects (no 
kidding). They will certainly keep it for low end as it makes sense, but 

Maybe I'm just getting old and worn by mounting waste of time and 
effort, but it appears like the project is slowly but surely losing its 
drive and spirit over years, as it more and more feels that we're 
running to stand still.


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