On 11/4/21 6:56 PM, Karol Bieniaszewski wrote:

„The main reason why this "removal of trailing partial contraction" was

done is to achieve behavior "consistent" with search/evaluation in other

software (like text editors etc.), so (for example) STARTING WITH "C" or

LIKE "C%" will return rows starting with "C" or "CH".

This behavior itself is questionable (but more about that later)


I try to understand the issue but meybe simpler description is required.

When i use WIN1250 collate PXW_PLK (my Polish language)

Then engine threat all „ch” as single letter in the index?

And i cannot find looking by only „c” without „h” with index lookup?

If yes how engine decide that this is „ch” or  „c” and „h” in words?

If i write:

„chmura” it can be ok

May be the problem is difference of languages? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch_(digraph) :

In Czech alphabet, the digraph Ch is handled as a letter equal to other letters. In Czech dictionaries, indexes, and other alphabetical lists, it has its own section, following that of words (including names) beginning with /H/ and preceding that of words that begin with /I/. Thus, the word /chemie/ will not be found in the /C/ section of a Czech dictionary, nor the name /Chalupa/ in the /C/ section of the phonebook. The alphabetical order /h/ /ch/ is observed also when the combination /ch/ occurs in median or final position: /Praha/ precedes /Prachatice/, /hod/ precedes /hoch/.

But if i write (i write upper letter to show the problem):

„cHandle” which is not „ch” at all?

As far as I understood reading wikis cHandle is not a problem - that's not Czech word, it's soone "C" locale. Same for Polish „chmura”. And must say that if we want to support Czech language correctly we must use key-based comparison for strings everywhere, and certainly for such digraph LIKE 'Czec%' should not match word 'Czech'.

What about current SQL standard - suppose there are just no Czech authors ;)

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