15.03.2022 17:14, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

As part of "Support multiple rows for DML RETURNING (#6815)" feature,
BLR verbs for "local table" were created.

Local tables (LT) as defined there works outside transaction control.
For #6815 this does not matter, but I want to add LT feature that will
use these verbs.

LTs are defined inside PSQL routines and its data is separated per
routine invocation. For example a recursive routine will have different
data in its LTs per each invocation, like local variables.

What about autonomous transactions? Will procedure's LT data be visible for them or every autonomous transaction gets its own copy?

SQL standard defines LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLES (LTT), which may be
"created" or "declared". The semantics of these standard specs are
different and not very easy applicable to Firebird as they are based on
standard notion of modules, that is not similar to PSQL routines.

I'd just adapt their definitions to our realities. For me, "created" LTT is similar to GTT (i.e. stored in the schema) but with data isolated per request (per PSQL routine). "Declared" LTTs are defined inside the PSQL routine, with data isolated the same way. In fact, what you priorly define as LT is IMO "declared" LTT.


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