Thomas Woinke wrote:

> > After that... I guess it's up to you. Would you like to join Dmitry and
> > me in trying to get the Language Reference off the ground?

> As we all agree that the Language Reference is priority one, I will join in.


> My plan is to get comfy with the source and DocBook, and then pick one
> of the sections containing "To be written."
> I'll be on vacation soon, and with the weather forecast for germany
> not sounding too promising, I am positive that I will have sufficient
> time on my hands.

Yep, not much of a summer so far...

Please let us know where you want to start. We probably also have to agree on 
the inner structure of the sections, which should be consistent throughout 
(most of) the book. The LangRef Update section structure may be good basis, 
except for one thing: I'm not quite satisfied with the use of formalparas; they 
often don't give you enough freedom and you have to use dirty tricks to get 
around their limitations.

It was my own choice I'm afraid, because the alternative was to either create 
huge amounts of subsections, or use bridgeheads. In both cases, you can't 
format the headers as run-in heads. With formalparas, you can. But maybe we can 
come up with yet another solution.

Paul Vinkenoog

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