On 2020-02-19 21:15, Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

I had some problems with the Japanese rendering. I had to install the
Japanese Windows fonts, and I had to rebuild the font metrics files, and
rename the fonts from MSMincho to MS-Mincho and MSGothic to MS-Gothic.
Now it looks ok for me (I haven't committed those changes yet though).

Funny, just this afternoon I had the same experience trying to build the
Japanese docs. Then I looked at the "Using non-Western fonts" doc and
realized what the problem must be, but ran out of time. Will try again tonight.

Talking about metrics files, have you added gradle tasks for the three metrics targets (t1metrics, ttfmetrics and ttcmetrics) or did you build them with ant for now? People are going to need them, so if they're not already present
they'll have to be added sooner or later.

I built an equivalent for ttcmetrics so I could fix the issue with the Japanese rendering. I ran into problems with doing it from Ant (probably due to Java version mismatches) and decided it was easier to just do it from Gradle than spend time investigating exactly why Ant misbehaved. I will add equivalent tasks for TTF and T1 this weekend.


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