On 7/20/07, Dean Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, it works under Vista (I have tried it). I believe the "local protocol"
> used to connect to the server is totally different to how fbembed works. The


> "local protocol" uses Named Pipes, I believe and because it doesn't - by
> default - prefix them with "Global\" you cannot connect from your logged-on
> session to the session which the service runs under. Note that this also
> means that the local protocol would have never worked on a Terminal Server
> or Windows XP + fast user switching environment, either...

In 2.0.1 was some improvement. But if run it in Vista and you wanna
not to use localhost (why?) you have to run it as user (i.e. fbserver
-a) or use global prefix (as Dean mentioned).

Jiri {x2} Cincura (Microsoft Student Partner)
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