Jiri Cincura ha scritto:
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 04:13, Barbiturico76
<lucadomenos...@nospuminwind.it> wrote:
When I get data (text) from VarChar fields or Blob type 0 fields, I
always receive the char '?' instead of 'à', 'é', 'ì', 'ò' or 'ù' and I
really cannot understand why.
The data are correctly stored in the DB because when I use FlameRobin
0.8.6 to read data, those strings are read correctly.

I use the Firebird .NET Data Provider Version 2.1.0 for .NET 2.0 inside
Visual Studio 2008 good installed and working.

Maybe it is a problem of character encoding... I tried to understand
this aspect but made no step ahead.
What I know is that the original DB has ASCII charset (FlameRobin
rules!), and in the connection string inside VB2008 the charset called
is ASCII too.

If you use ASCII, than it's kind of weird storing/retrieving content
with these characters. Anyway in your application, you should probably
use unicode, as everything in .NET is unicode. I'm not supposing,
you're not doing some own conversions on client side.

Moving to Unicode would be better, I know.
But can I have an ASCII encoded database, and retrieve data in Unicode? I don't think so.
So I need to convert the whole db to Unicode. How?

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