I'm wondering if anyone knows what to do about this:
I have three ISAPI applications running on IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003. They 
are written in Delphi, using IBX components to connect to Firebird 2.1.

I have a critical bug. Here's what happens:
* If I run the first application directly, it correctly opens a database 
connection and runs correctly.
* If I run the second application (which calls the first one), I get a "can't 
find GDS32.DLL" error UNTIL I RUN THE FIRST APP DIRECTLY, and thereafter the 
second app works correctly.
* The third app is a web service that also attaches to Firebird.  When invoked 
from a client, this returns "can't find GDS32.DLL", UNLESS I first run the 
first application above, after which the web service works correctly.

The apps are all running under the anonymous account on the same server.
All the ISAPI DLLs are written in Delphi 7 using IBX 7.1.
Firebird is running under its own account.
GDS32.DLL and the supporting files MSVCRT,DLL, MSVCR71DLL, MSVCP71.DLL are in 
both the firebird\bin and windows\system32 folders.
Access privileges are correctly configured (unless there's some weird 
requirements I've overlooked).
System Path points to the Bin folder.
The GDS32.DLL file is the one generated by the firebird installer, not one from 
an Interbase install. And all copies of GDS32.DLL on the server are the same 
Everything works fine on my Dev machine, which is the same configuration except 
with looser security.

Can anyone explain what's going on??

Thanks in anticipation

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