I recently upgraded to FB2.5 from FB1.5, very impressed am I.  Doing a
backup using flamerobin took approximately 7 seconds, my current stats

Database info
ODS Version 11.2
Page Size 8192
Pages 15382
Size on Disk 120.17MB
SQL Dialect 3
Default Character Set ISO8859_1

Page Buffers 2048
Sweep Interval 20000
Forced Writes Yes
Reserve Space Yes
Read-Only No

Transaction info
Oldest transaction 7600241
Oldest active transaction 7600242
Oldest snapshot 7600242
Next transaction 7600242

>From flamerobin:
Connecting to server localhost...
Database backup started 18:00:17
Database backup finished 18:00:24

The restore took considerably longer, what am I missing as this seemed
a bit quick?



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