  Thanks for the suggestion.  If I can tie a deadlock to a process ID, that 
will work out great.  I was intimidated by the lock manager before but after 
looking at its printout again, it doesn't seem that bad.

  We do not have SysInternals ProcessExplorer on our server, but I see that it 
is freely available so we will shortly.

  Thanks to all for your help.  I think I have enough information and tools now 
to solve my Firebird issues.


--- In, Ann Harrison <aharrison@...> wrote:
> Vince,
> >  Thanks for the response.  We are running Windows.  I'm not sure how much
> > information about the fb_inet_server processes I can gather -- other than
> > how long they've been running.  Not sure how to get the IP address of the
> > connecting client.  I'm going to just start killing the oldest
> > fb_inet_server processes, but I don't know how I can distinguish the
> > listener process.   If I kill that one by mistake, I guess I'll have to
> > reboot the whole server because I don't know how to restart just the
> > listener.
> >
> >   Is there a way to identify the listener process?
> >
> >
> Get a full  lock print, find the deadlock, find the owner block for the
> deadlocked resource, and you'll find the process id of the listener there.
>  Helen's book describes the contents of the lock print.
> Good luck,
> Ann
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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