I use zedebee with internet conection, bandwitdh drop only take 20% from direct 
connection, but it take processor time to compress and encrypt
Terima Kasih
Yanto Asnawi
Pin BB : 2687C905

-----Original Message-----
From: Kjell Rilbe <kjell.ri...@datadia.se>
Sender: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:56:24 
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com<firebird-support@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Re: Desktop Application For Centralized Firebird

Den 2012-09-09 06:20 skrev Vishal Tiwari såhär:
> But if I have internet not an Intranet facility, then also would it work ?

Intranet or internet doesn't really matter re "works" or "doesn't work". 
Internet has higher latency, which is nog very good for Firebird's 
chatty protocol, but it does work. You need to make sure all firewalls 
open port 3050 (or whatever port you choose for your FB server). You 
also need to make sure the clients know where the server is, i.e. its 
hostname or its IP address. This would normally be done either by using 
a regular domain name like yourcompany.com or if you don't have a domain 
name, simply make sure the server has a fixed IP address (most ISP:s 
provide this service at a low extra cost).

Now, the data will travel over the internet unencrypted, so you either 
need to decide that this is no problem (not sensitive data) or establish 
a VPN or secure tunnel, e.g. using Zebedee as mentioned earlier. This 
might slow down the connection a bit further, depending on your 
situation and setup.

If the data traffic is too slow, due to the combo of high latency 
internet and FB's chatty protocol, you can write an extra 
tier/layer/server thingy that executes on the same machine as the FB 
server and handles all communication with the actual database server. 
Your clients would talk to your server thingy instead, hopefully using a 
more efficient protocol.


> Vishal wrote:
> <<
> ...
> Here, my doubt is Using Delphi 5 and Firebird database, is it
> possible for all the instances of this application which are
> installed at different cities could access one centralized database ?
> If yes then HOW ?
> ...
> >>
> You need a fixed IP address for the machine which is hosting the
> database (the db server). Your program - wherever it runs - just
> need to use a connection string with <IP address or machine
> name>:<database path and filename, or alias>, e.g.
>\DB\ourdb.fdb (or possibly
> VISHAL_SERVER:LIBRARY_DB, with necessary definitions in place).
> You may have to persuade administrators to open port 3050 in
> firewalls (in- and outbound).
> -- 
> Aage J.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kj...@datadia.se
Telefon: 08-761 06 55
Mobil: 0733-44 24 64

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