On Mon, 04 Feb 2013 08:09:44 +0800, Wolfgang Kluge <wkl...@kb-labuan.com>
> Good morning Paul
> I am using
>     Try
>        Qry.Close;
>        Qry.SQL.Text := 'select rdb$get_context(''SYSTEM'', 
> ''ENGINE_VERSION'') cVer from rdb$database';  // fails on engine version
> 2
>        Qry.ExecQuery;
>        cEngineVer := Qry.FieldByName( 'cVer' ).AsString;
>        Qry.Close;
>      Except
>        cEngineVer := '1.5.6'; // default if engine version >=2 cannot be

> verified
>      End;
> Regards
> Wolfgang Kluge
> On 02/03/2013 08:30 PM, hugo.larson wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> Thanks for your answer.
>> What I want to do is to determine server version from pure JDBC.
>> I probably posted this question in the wrong group. Should have posted 
>> it in Firebird-Java group.

The trick for Java to get the server version without attaching to a
specific database (only connecting to the server) can be seen in this
message in Firebird-Java:

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