> > Sorry for the (possibly) silly question, but is it possible to use 
> > fbtracemgr with the embedded server?
>   Yes

Thank you for your answers, that is great news. By the way my purpose for using 
tracing is to be able to see a how parametrised selects created with IBPP are 

> > 
> > ...what would I replace the 'remote_host:service_mgr' with?
>   If you want to trace "local" database, just use "service_mgr" and ensure 
> fbtracemgr used fbembed[.dll|.so] instead of fbclient.

Sorry I should have said that I am using CS 2.5.2 on Ubuntu 12.10.

I have set up fbtracemgr to use fbemded by setting the following environment 

export FIREBIRD=/home/myhome/experiments/firebird
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/myhome/experiments/firebird

I have tried putting libfbtrace.so in $FIREBIRD, $FIREBIRD/plugins and even 
tried /opt/firebird/plugins

but fbtracemgr cannot find the plugin, "Can not start trace session. There are 
no trace plugins loaded"

Thanks again!

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