>I created a recursive Sql query to lookup the nodes of a thread and where each 
>node is classified according to a tree-structure (the 
>variable Progress_Type_ID in the query  which is linked to ID, the primary key 
>of the tree->structure Progress_Type).
>The following SQL to do the recursive query:
>/*--------------------------Bof query-------------------------*/
>With Recursive
>RecurseProgress as
> Select ID, Parent_ID, OldMines_ID, Progress_Type_ID, Progress_Type_Parent_ID, 
> Progress_Type_Description,
>     Instance_Date, Progress, 1 as ALevel from V_OldMines_Progress
>   where Parent_ID is null
> Union all
> Select Child.ID, Child.parent_id, Child.OldMines_ID,  Child.Progress_Type_ID, 
> Child.Progress_Type_Parent_ID,
>     Child.Progress_Type_Description, Child.Instance_Date, Child.Progress, 
> ALevel + 1 from V_OldMines_Progress Child 
>  inner join RecurseProgress as CR1 on Child.parent_ID = CR1.ID
>Select  * from RecurseProgress Pr
>  Where Pr.OldMines_ID = :ID
> order by Pr.ID
>/*-------------------------Eof query------------------------------*/
>If I execute this query, ID is requested as the parameter
>Now I want to modify it because Progress_Type_ID is also the primary key of a 
>tree-structure and if I execute the modified query, it must
>ask for the two parameters, the current ID for the view V_OldMines_Progress  
>and the new starting point of the primary key of table 
>I tried the following and then it asks for two parameters:
> ID_ROOTPRGRESSTYPE   and   ID (any value for ID_ROOTPRGRESSTYPE   have the 
> same results):
>/*-------------------------Bof query------------------------------*/ 
>With Recursive
>RecurseProgressType as
> Select ID from Progress_Type
>   where ID = :ID_RootProgressType
> Union all
> Select TP.ID from Progress_Type TP, RecurseProgressType Parent
>   where TP.Parent_ID = Parent.id
>RecurseProgress as
> Select ID, Parent_ID, OldMines_ID, Progress_Type_ID, Progress_Type_Parent_ID, 
> Progress_Type_Description,
>     Instance_Date, Progress, 1 as ALevel from V_OldMines_Progress
>   where Parent_ID is null
> Union all
> Select Child.ID, Child.parent_id, Child.OldMines_ID,  Child.Progress_Type_ID, 
> Child.Progress_Type_Parent_ID,
>     Child.Progress_Type_Description, Child.Instance_Date, Child.Progress, 
> ALevel + 1 from V_OldMines_Progress Child , RecurseProgressType
>  inner join RecurseProgress as CR1 on Child.parent_ID = CR1.ID
>Select  * from RecurseProgress Pr
>  Where Pr.OldMines_ID = :ID
> order by Pr.ID
>/*-------------------------Eof query------------------------------*/
>Any idea what I did wrorg?

Hi Nols!

I don't quite get what you're trying to do, I'll guess, but feel free to 
reformulate your problem if my guessing is wrong. My guess is that you're 
trying to do, is to traverse two trees and join them together.

Maybe something like this will be appropriate:

/*-------------------------Bof query------------------------------*/ 
With Recursive
RecurseProgressType as
 Select ID from Progress_Type
   where ID = :ID_RootProgressType
 Union all
 Select TP.ID from Progress_Type TP
 Inner join RecurseProgressType Parent on TP.Parent_ID = Parent.id
RecurseProgress as
 Select ID, Parent_ID, OldMines_ID, Progress_Type_ID, Progress_Type_Parent_ID, 
     Instance_Date, Progress, 1 as ALevel from V_OldMines_Progress
   where Parent_ID is null
 Union all
 Select Child.ID, Child.parent_id, Child.OldMines_ID,  Child.Progress_Type_ID, 
     Child.Progress_Type_Description, Child.Instance_Date, Child.Progress, 
ALevel + 1 from V_OldMines_Progress Child
  inner join RecurseProgress as CR1 on Child.parent_ID = CR1.ID
Select  * from RecurseProgress Pr
Inner join RecurseProgressType RPT on Pr.ProgressTypeID = RPT.ID
  Where Pr.OldMines_ID = :ID
 order by Pr.ID, RPT.ID
/*-------------------------Eof query------------------------------*/


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