Helen Borrie hele...@iinet.net.au [firebird-support] wrote:
> At 02:36 p.m. 30/10/2014, Geoff Worboys
> ge...@telesiscomputing.com.au [firebird-support] wrote:

>>Doesn't that depend on how they implemented the separate threads?
>>SS does/can use different threads for separate connections to the
>>same database, can't it?  So if the threads operate over separate
>>connections then wouldn't SS be able to use multiple CPUs?

> Not in 2.5 (Dmitry will correct me if I'm wrong, I hope!),
> but I'm fairly sure it's a Yes in Fb 3.  AFAIR, in 2.5,
> multiple CPUs will be used for connections to multiple
> databases if they are available. We're talking here about SS.
> SC behaves the way you describe, as far as I understand.

Hmm... Yes, my mistake, you are correct (as if there was ever
any doubt :-)

Obviously time I re-read the FB v2.5 release notes again.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing Pty Ltd

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      • Re... Helen Borrie hele...@iinet.net.au [firebird-support]
        • ... Geoff Worboys ge...@telesiscomputing.com.au [firebird-support]
          • ... Helen Borrie hele...@iinet.net.au [firebird-support]
            • ... Geoff Worboys ge...@telesiscomputing.com.au [firebird-support]
              • ... 'Thomas Steinmaurer' t...@iblogmanager.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Geoff Worboys ge...@telesiscomputing.com.au [firebird-support]
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