
> The above two lines should handle the messages generated by the
> rules the firewall script creates.  So, check the kern.log file.  If
> neither it nor the messages file contains any entries for dropped
> packets, double check your firewall.conf and make sure that logging is
> indeed enabled.  Beyond that, it looks like a possible bug with
> iptables' logging or syslog on the Alpha.

Actually, I don't know what happened, but after a reboot and redoing the
change to /etc/init.d/klogd and restarting it, the firewall messages are
being written in /var/log/messages, /var/log/kern.log and
/var/log/syslog. Must be ghosts in the machine, as they say...

Thanks a lot for your help. I don't know if you had any other users on
Alpha, but you can consider this as a success report. Things work as
well as they did on my i86 machine, which is great since the Alpha cost
me about 85$ canadian total! :-)

Thanks again,


Jean-Sébastien Guay                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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