You are making this too hard.  Just use TCP Wrappers.


On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 08:36, Jacob S wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm trying to restrict ssh access to a server so that only ips on our T1
> can access it. I used the following format:
> (And also removed 22 from the ALLOWED_PORTS_TCP line.) After restarting
> the firewall though, I can't ssh into it from I know the
> ip addresses are correct, as I double checked them. Is there something
> else I'm missing?
> Also, is it possible to write the TRUSTED_CONNECTIONS line in the
> format "\24()-svr.dst.ip.xx(:22)" or will this just confuse
> firewall?
> TIA,
> Jacob
> !DSPAM:41dbfc11315481371014747!

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