
It's hard to believe, but I've been using your Firewall stuff since 2001. It has performed perfectly as Linux has changed. I've gone from Redhat <low-number>, and am now on Centos 5.4 (equivalent to RHEL 5.4). I've gone from 32-bit to 64-bit, but have not yet taken the leap to IPV6.

During my experimentation with KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine), I came across the need to issue a command to IPTABLES every time the firewall started, and found no convenient way to do it in the ancient version of your script that I was running. The command would allow all traffic to/from the bridge.
So, I downloaded the current one and started reading the configuration file.

I found that POSTSTART and POSTRESTART would allow me to issue the command:

  $IPTABLES -I FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged -j ACCEPT

However, a quick scan of the configuration file did not reveal the ability to forward GRE (the PPTP interface) to a windows box inside. This was, as I recall, added at my request way back when, and used the symbol


In that ancient copy of the firewall script, the "temp" function (invoked to run everything) included at the end an invocation of the following function, copied from that script

# This forwards protocols, primarily to support GRE
# into an inside PPTP server.
# Assumes $PROTO_FORWARDS has the format:
# or   <external-address>(protocol)-<internal-address>
# For PPTP, however, don't forget to forward port 1723 to the server

forward_protocols () {

  # separate local and remote addresses

  EXT_F=`echo $PROTO_FORWARD | cut -f1 -d-`
  INT_F=`echo $PROTO_FORWARD | cut -f2 -d-`
  E_IP=`echo $EXT_F | sed "s/(.*)//g"`
  PROTO=`echo $EXT_F | sed "s/.*(\|)//g"`
  I_IP=`echo $INT_F | sed "s/(.*)//g"`

  echo -n "Forwarding proto $PROTO from $E_IP to $I_IP:"

  $IPTABLES -t filter -A FORWARD     -p $PROTO -d $I_IP -j ACCEPT && \
  $IPTABLES -t nat    -A POSTROUTING -p $PROTO -d $I_IP -j ACCEPT && \
  $IPTABLES -t mangle -A PREROUTING  -p $PROTO -d $E_IP -j ACCEPT && \
  $IPTABLES -t nat    -A PREROUTING  -p $PROTO -d $E_IP -j DNAT \
           --to-destination $I_IP
  success $"Forwarding proto $PROTO from $E_IP to $I_IP:" || \
  failure $"Forwarding proto $PROTO from $E_IP to $I_IP:"
  echo ""
______________END CODE ______________________

I realize that I could actually do this by myself in the POST... routines, but perhaps you'd like to re-introduce this into your script. If I've missed something, please let me know.

David Kurn

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