Dear colleagues,

Answering to a couple of Jerry's questions,

Under what circumstances can the speaker's meaning or the writer's meaning be _exact_?

Is _meaning_ a momentary impulse with potential for settling into a local minimum in the biochemical dynamic?

A previous point could be---what entities are capable of elaborating that obscure item we call "meaning"? Just anything (eg, some parties have stated that molecules or atoms may communicate), or only the living beings?

My understanding of what Bob has proposed along the POE guideliness is that only the living cell would be capable --and of course, all the further more complex organisms. This point is of some relevance.

After decoding and interpretation of the organic codes, the meaning of my message about meaning and information may have meaning to you.

Maybe. But I suffer some information overload (perhaps "overload" is just the incapablity to elaborate meaning under the present channels or means of communication).


Pedro C. Marijuán
Cátedra SAMCA
Institute of Engineering Research of Aragon (I3A)
Maria de Luna, 3. CPS, Univ. of Zaragoza
50018 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762761 and 762707, FAX (34) 976 762043
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