Dear QTQ and FIS Colleagues,

I am afraid we had not define the terms ‘theory” and “science” but start 
Let firstly clear what they means and after that to make conclusions.

It is clear the theories are part of the science but the science is something 

In our area - the Information Science is quite more than any theory for 

Of course,  “What is information?” is the basic question, but after it follow 
the questions “How it is used by live organisms?” and “Why it is needed for 
social structures?”, “Why one and the same reflection is information for one 
but not for another subject?” and “Can the information be totally destroyed or 
not, i.e. is the information depended with physical (material) world or not?”, 


About the journals:

I have more than 35 year experience in editing and publishing scientific 
collections and journals. 
My personal position is: “The Variety and Independence cause Development!” 

Every journal has its own politic and there is no sense to discus its rules.
My personal position is presented in the name of my firs Int. Journal: 
“Information Theories and Applications”.
Yes – Theories. 

Some scientists prefer to be protected from “spam” papers by the reviewers, but 
this has simple decision – “Do not read papers at all !”

The science needs new ideas. 
Sometimes the proper way is not in the fat books but in the thin papers.  
We have long history of development but are we sure that all in it (especially 
for information) is absolutely correct ant may be accepted without doubt?


Happy New 2012 Year!
Friendly regards


From: Pedro C. Marijuan 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 5:48 PM
Subject: [Fis] [Fwd: THEORY AND SCIENCE] From QTQ

-------- Mensaje original -------- Asunto:  THEORY AND SCIENCE 
      Fecha:  Tue, 10 Jan 2012 10:49:58 +0800 
      Responder a: 
      Para:  Pedro C. Marijuan, mjs, Joseph Brenner, fislist 

Dear Pedro, Dear Marcin, Dear Joseph, Dear FIS Colleagues, 

Theory is important and necessary, but theory is different from science, theory 
is a growing view or hypothesis. We should remember Russell's paradox and the 
third number of Math Crisis, we should remember Aristotle and Galileo, and we 
shouldn't forget the article about MDMA by Jan Hendrik Schön in 2002. Let us 
remember history that go on record according to gubernatorial volition usually. 
Furthermore, lie is not science, for example Hwang's cloning experiments in 
stem-cell research. 

Newton's mechanics is science, computer science is true, and however there is 
no information science. The sole criterion for truth or science is practice.

Of course, after the Hwang affair, Science(journal)gets its wrist slapped for 
publishing a fraudulent stem-cell paper. Instead, the committee recommends that 
papers received by the journal should be divided into uncontroversial and 
controversial, and the latter gone over with a fine comb of new check.  This is 
a way to arrive at science, too.

Best wishes




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