Dear FIS Colleagues,
It is really pleasure to read your posts in this exciting mail list.
During the time I am subscribed in (Thanks to Pedro for inviting me!) I have 
read interesting and very useful ideas.
Now I think is the right time to put one very important question: 
What is the main difference between Informatics and Mathematics?
In other words: What is the main difference between “Information object” and 
“Mathematical one” ?
Well, I nave answer (of course, from my point of view):
The main difference is the Subject!
Mathematical theories totally avoid the subject and subjective interpretation 
of mathematical structures and operations.
It doesn’t mater who will interpret the mathematical constructions ( like 
y=f(x) ) – now and after 1000 years the interpretation MUST be the same.
In Informatics it is just the opposite – it is of crucial importance who will 
interpret the information structures and operations.
Let remember the Turing Machine, the basic Subject of Informatics with which 
all interpretations of algorithms have to be compared.
The philosophical conclusion is simple – the information phenomena (as 
reflections) exist in the reality but may be interpreted ONLY by the Subjects.
In other words, the information is kind of reflection for which the CONCRETE 
Subject have appropriate interpretation (an evidence what is reflected).
Subject may be a human, an animal, an electronic device, etc. i.e. natural or 
artificial entity.
In all cases, the “reflection” (or “pattern”, if you prefer) has to be 
recognized by the Subject to became “information”. 
Friendly regards
fis mailing list

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