The workshop goes far deeper than the excellent remarks raised by Bruno
discuss. We try to make the participants understand that the workshop deals
with *contradictions, *not para-consistent or inconsistent variants of

The subject is elementary in such a degree, that participants run the risk
of not seeing the forest for the trees. Let me offer a very simple example:

In your class at University there are 20 students. Each student has 1 first
name and 1 family name. For official, administrative reasons, you have to
work the list down according to the family name. This is the sequence A
(for Administrative). Here, Arthur Treehouse comes *after *Christopher
Bellini. Then you have a list for your own use, where you remember the
first name of the students and have them in your phonebook according to
their first name. This is the sequence P (for Private). Here, John
Napolitano comes *before *Susan Ardenne. (Please expand the example until
the problem becomes obvious. In the workshop we shall work it out in
detail, encouraging collaboration.)

Both sequences A and P have been achieved by repetitive applications of the
operator “<”, well known from elementary arithmetic. The logical operators
{<|=|>} are a part of logic. Their application should be free of

Here, we see that the application of the logical operator “<” on sets
yields *contradicting *results.

The workshop will address the methodology of consolidating logical
contradictions. To this end we shall look more in detail into, *how*
sequence contradictions are resolved. The fact, *that *logical
contradictions exist and are easily demonstrable has been shown, therefore
we shall not discuss it any more.

As a preparation, one may want to ask his/her students to line up a) once
according to family name and b) once according to first name; c) each
student shall note in both cases the sequential number of his place, d)
compare the two numbers, e) if these do not agree, decide, which is his
“right” place, f) if he cannot do so, go to the alternative place, g)
observe, whether the person who is on his alternative place will exchange
place with him directly, h) if not, observe, how many students have to
change places, i) compare the number of exchanges within a closed loop.

After these exercises, one may want to discuss the concept of something
called a “quantum”, which could be interpreted as an elementary unit of
being dis-allocated (maybe [stepskilogrammdistance]).

Let me repeat, the subject the workshop invites the participants to direct
their attention to is way more fundamental than the level of “language
semantics”, “mind-body problem” or “origin of beliefs”.


2014-10-22 15:59 GMT+02:00 Bruno Marchal <>:

> On 20 Oct 2014, at 13:44, Karl Javorszky wrote:
> Workshop on the Combinatorics of Genetics, Fundamentals
> In order to prepare for a fruitful, satisfying and rewarding workshop in
> Vienna, let me offer to potential participants the following main
> innovations in the field of formal logic and arithmetic:
> 1)      Consolidating contradictions:
> The idea of contradicting logical statements is traditionally alien to the
> system of thoughts that is mathematics. Therefore, no methodology has
> evolved of appeasing, soothing, compromise-building among equally valid
> logical statements that contradict each other. In this regard, mathematical
> logic is far less advanced than diplomacy, psychology, commercial claims
> regulation or military science, in which fields the existence of conflicts
> is a given. The workshop centers around the methodology of fulfilling
> contradicting logical requirements that co- exist.
> I am not entirely convinced. I think that para-consistent logic are
> interesting for natural language semantics, but I think that in the
> fundamentals, the consistency of inconsistency, guarantied by Gödel's
> second incompleteness theorem is enough. It explains also why a machine
> cannot know which computations supported it, and this explains where the
> information comes from (it comes from our relative distribution in a tiny
> part of the arithmetical reality). This reduces also the mind-body problem
> to a problem of justifying the origin of the beliefs in physical laws from
> elementary arithmetic, and partial solutions have been obtained (you can
> consult my consult my URL below for some references). In particular we can
> explain why the world looks boolean above our computationalist substitution
> level, and why it looks quantum logical below.
> Best regards,
> Bruno
> 2)      Concept of Order
> We show that the pointed opposition between readings of a set once as a
> sequenced one and once as a commutative one is similar to the discussion,
> whether a Table of the Rorschach test depicts a still-life under water or
> rather fireworks in Paris. The incompatibility between sequenced and
> commutative (contemporaneous) is provided by our sensory apparatus: in
> fact, a set is readable both as a sequenced collection and as a collection
> of commutative symbols. We abstract from the two sentences “Set A is in a
> sequential order” and “Set A is a commutatively ordered one” into the
> sentence “Set A is in order”.
> The workshop introduces the idea and the technique of sequential
> enumeration (aka “sorting”) of elements of a set, calling the result
> “order”, and shows that different sorting orders may bring forth
> contradicting assignments of places to one and the same element, resp.
> contradicting assignments of elements to one and the same place.
> 3)      The duration of the transient state
> We put forward the motion, that it is reasonable to assume that a set is
> normally in a state of permanent change – as opposed to the traditional
> view, wherein a set, once well defined, stays put and idle, remaining such
> as defined. The idea is that there are always alternatives to whichever
> order one looks into a set, therefore it is reasonable to assume that the
> set is in a state of permanent adjustment.
> We look in great detail into the mechanics of transition between Order αβ
> and Order γδ, and show that the number of tics until the transition is
> achieved is only in the rarest of cases uniform, therefore partial
> transformations and half-baked results are the ordre du jour.
> 4)      Standard transitions and spatial structures
> The rare cases where a translation from Order αβ into Order γδ happens in
> lock-step are quite well suited to serve as units of dis-allocation, being
> of uniform properties with respect to a numeric quality which could well be
> called an extent for “mass”.
> These cases allow assembling two 3-dimensional spatial structures with
> well-defined axes. The twice 3 axes can even be merged into one,
> consolidated space with 3 common axes, the price of the consolidation being
> that every 1-dimensional statement has in this case 4 variants. The
> findings allow supporting Minkowski’s ideas and also some contemplation
> about 3 sub-statements consisting of 1-of-4 variants, as used by Nature
> while registering genetic information in a purely sequenced fashion.
> 5)      Size optimization and asynchronicity questions
> The set is the same, whether we read it consecutively or transversally.
> The readings differ. We show that the functions of logical relations’
> density per unit resp. unit fragment size per logical relation are
> intertwined, making a change between the representations of order as unit
> and as logical relation a matter of accounting artistry. (“If I want more
> matter, I say that I see 66 commutative units; if I want more information,
> I say that I see 11 sequences of 6 units.”)
> The phlogiston (or divine will) fueling the mechanism appears to be the
> synchronicity of steps of order consolidation happening. Using the concept
> of a-synchronicity we can understand that we can, for reasons of
> epistemology, perceive only that what is asynchronous, and as a corollary
> to this, perceive not that what is synchron, which we have reason to call
> dark matter or dark energy.
> These are the main ideas to be presented at the FIS meeting 2015.
> Hopefully, the main event, dealing with Society’s answer to change in
> fundamental concepts of information, will find the proceedings
> revolutionary enough to merit observation from close quarters.
> Karl
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