Dear Jerry LR Chandler, and All,

Your mail is the first one replay to this discussion: “the Frontiers of 
Intelligence Science”.   Thanks for your mail within 7 questions. That let this 
session really well run. Let me answer some of your questions:

1.        The structure of the book. It is in Chinese, I only translate the 
title of chapter: 


The Frontiers of Intelligence Science
——Something is Possible

Chapter 1  From Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Science     

Chapter 2       International Intelligence Science Study and Cooperation  

Chapter 3       the Panorama of Intelligence and the Integrity of A-B Two Poles 
of Intelligence 

Chapter4        The Contribute of Intelligence Science to methodology 

Chapter 5       Natural Language Understanding as the Frontier of Intelligence 

Chapter 6       Phase Theory 

Chapter 7       New Golden Age of Civilization


2.        Yes, still very few people know Intelligence Science even in China, 
though it is put out in Oct., 2003 by CAAI. Above all it has grown more than 
ten years, it has formed frontiers, at least I have done theoretical study till 

Now is should seriously introduce the sponsor of this important direction. They 
are Prof. Zhong Yi Xin, Prof. He Hua Can, and Prof. Shi zhong zhi (Krassimir 
mentioned)etc. In a conference of CAAI 2003, the chair Prof. Zhong asked us 
from different sessions to a big meeting room to talk about the birth of 
Intelligence Science. He encouraged everyone to say out his/her feeling and 
opinion. I was delighted with such a new science and was encouraged to say that 
I am so earnest welcome such a new science and image its mission, I felt the 
new science is a holy approach, perhaps the real science is coming, as a young 
scholar I spoke ten minutes. Next I wrote an article title as “the Mission of 
Intelligence Science” next year. So thanks to the leader of CAAI leaded such an 
important change. We need strategist in science develop just as in war. Prof. 
Zhong is such a strategist. With their strong lead, we do many explorations. I 
think I am good soldier of SI. The growth rate is logically and with many 
reasons. So I said in my preface of the book: “From Artificial Intelligence 
(AI) to Intelligence Science (IS) is a strategic transformation, a major 
contribution to science.” yes, sometime contribution is actual fruit, sometime 
is a seed or a possibility; sometime is speed, sometime is direction, is an 
angular acceleration; some time is individual, sometime is collective. Prof. 
Zhong just in our FIS, and Pedro has special invited him stage this discussion 
the same. I think only he can tell us this/his history best! We should go on 
share the academic story together, though it is short but meaningful. It is 
interesting while this discussion we are in the same story now. 

       As a compare and evidence, let me cite a mail from Prof. L. A. Zadeh to 
BISC Group (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing):  


Lotfi A. Zadeh 

2012年11月10日 10:24:24

Dear members of the BISC Group: 

   Ruzena Bajcsy brought to my attention a very interesting interview with Noam 
Chomsky focused on "What went wrong with AI." It is always a treat to hear or 
read what Chomsky has to say.

    Regards to all,

       With my small group we used two months to learn this interview and think 
the present science, especial computer science and technology, development 
condition that we were surer with our direction and ways. This linker still 
useful and I have put it in our FIS once and written in my new book this time. 
If you read this interview with Chomsky viewing AI, you should know that 
Chinese CAII has avoided such questions early and gave a right direction and 
action. Honorific Prof. Zadeh of 91-years old that year, using one finger to 
hit keyboard (he once mentioned in a mail to BISC group), he has organized a 
discuss “Information Revolution”. He and some BISCers worried about such 
revolution. It is just the same as our coming Vienna conference 2015—The 
Information Society at the Crossroads. 

       That is nice and peace, intelligence science has born and is growing. 

       It is a long mail now, more next mail. 

Best wishes, 

Zhao Chuan 

March 6, 2015

发件人: "Pedro C. Marijuan" <>
发送时间: 2015-03-04 19:22:54
收件人: 'fis' <>

Message from Jerry Chandler

-------- Original Message -------- 
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 21:19:16 -0600
From: Jerry LR Chandler <>
To: <>

Dear Zhao Chuan: 

In this brief introduction, you present your readers with a number of views.

Perhaps you could expand your statement so that we can grasp some of the 
structures behind you writings.

I have had numerous oriental colleagues from various parts of Asia - China, 
Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea, and other countries. 

When you speak of

 "Led by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence ( CAAI), 
Intelligence Science was born in October, 2003. Since the first one created in 
Peking University, in just the last decade, 27 universities have set up a 
Department of Intelligence Science and Technology,"

 you present an impressive growth rate.  Does this include any academic 
institutions outside of China?

What are the sorts of classes in these departments?
Do they go beyond computer science and artificial intelligence?

What is the status of cybernetics in these departments.
(In the USA, only a few 'Systems Science /Cybernetics' departments remain.)

What are the principle jobs the students are being trained for?

Finally, I ask about your personal views on the issue of what is the basic idea 
that motivates your separation of individuals from different parts of the world.

Thank you for considering these simple questions.


Jerry LR Chandler


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