> On 2015-10-14, at 12:38 PM, Marcus Abundis wrote:
>> RE Mark Johnson's post of Thu Oct 1 09:47:13 on Bateson and imagination
Two quick remarks:

1. It's not at all clear to me that C is subsumptive of B.

2. I would lobby for Shannon/Bayesian relationships as an intermediary
between A. and B (i.e., preliminary to "meaning").

Cheers to all,
Bob U.

>> . . .
>>  – Me Too!
>> RE Loet & Stan's postings beginning Thu Oct 1 21:19:50 . . .
>> >  I suggest to distinguish between three levels (following Weaver): <
>> > A. (Shannon-type) information processing ; <
>> > B. meaning sharing using languages;<
>> > C. translations among coded communications.<
>> > So, here we have a subsumptive hierarchy"<
>> I was wondering if this note means to imply an *all inclusive* list of
>> traits to be considered in modeling information? Or, alternatively . . .
>> what would such an all inclusive list look like?
>> Thanks!
>> Marcus Abundis
>> about.me/marcus.abundis

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