Dear Gordana,

"Law" is a slippery concept. Most physicists make the theological
assumption that the laws of physics pre-existed the Big Bang. I rather
doubt that. I see the laws as having evolved (precipitated?) out of
inchoate configurations of processes.

Under the prevailing metaphysics, miracles are impossible. For that
matter, so is real change! If we switch metaphysical foundations, however,
the boundary between law and miracle grows permeable.

Best wishes,

> To me the miracle is not so much order, as it is relation, and thus as
> Loet says "order is always constructed (by us)"-
> but the miracle is the very existence of anything (us, the rest of the
> universe).
> Why there is something rather than nothing (that would be much simpler)?
> To me miracle is how it all started. From vacuum fluctuations? But where
> the vacuum comes from?
> But then, why should we call it a miracle?
> Perhaps the better name is just natural law, finally equally inexplicable
> and given,
> but sounds more general and less mystic.
> Best,
> Gordana
> From: Fis
> <<>> on
> behalf of Loet Leydesdorff
> <<>>
> Organization: University of Amsterdam
> Reply-To: "<>"
> <<>>
> Date: Monday 22 February 2016 at 20:36
> To: 'Bruno Marchal' <<>>, 'fis
> Science' <<>>
> Subject: Re: [Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 23, Issue 24
> All worldviews begin in a miracle. No exceptions.
> I agree. Nevertheless, we should, and can, minimize the miracle.
> Why would one need a worldview? The whole assumption of an order as a
> Given (in a Revelation) is religious. Order is always constructed (by us)
> and can/needs to be explained.
> No "harmonia praestabilita", but ex post. No endpoint omega. No cosmology,
> but chaology.
> With due respect for those of you who wish to hold on to religion or
> nature as a given; however, vaguely defined.
> Best,
> Loet
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