Hi Maxine,

    Thank you very much for your thoughtful response!
(and Mark – thanks for another excellent post!)

I now feel I have a better sense of what is being considered, although I
confess I still struggle a bit with the language. You raise several points
. . .

> Bracketing is only the beginning! Making the familiar strange is only he
first step! <
Yes, this makes perfect sense and (I think) falls in line with the *a
priori* notion that Loet alludes to in his post. I would term this as "a
beginners mind" needed to discern a pure (uncolored) and detailed view of
the topic. Further, an *a prior* vista seems critical to developing an
essential three-fold model pointed to by Mark.

> In short, in turning β€œto the things themselves,” we distinguish noesis
and noema: consciousness and the object as meant. <
This of course echoes "das ding an sich" and noumena . . . but then this is
not what you mean, no? This leaves me wondering: exactly "how far does the
penny fall" in the phenomenological approach you advocate?

> Each of these aspects of [Husserlian] meaning warrants study. <
The whole matter of "meaning" seems to be a recurrently open, HOT and
unresolved matter within this group. Loet's post points to a social aspect,
others (Collier?) will point to a material aspect, and I stand somewhere
in-between. In any case, all can convey meaning but of quite different
types. Do you have a specific view you are advocating here, beyond your
general allusion to Husserlian meaning?

> What is wanted in a phenomenological analysis of information . . .
full-blown uncovering of the nature . . .<
As Mark's post suggests, there are many in this group likely to agree with
this, I certainly do! Still, it feels like you are more advocating for a
particular approach (phenomenological) rather than presenting a actual
phenomenological analysis. I apologize if I sound a bit dense here, but I
wish to be clear and make sure I do not overlook something.

Thanks for your thoughts!
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