Thank you for your responses, Lou and Stan. I am aware about the details of
the autopoietic model. What I was actually addressing by the transition
from abiotic to biotic structures and the later emergence of RNA and DNA
was  this elusive aspect of “mass action” which Stan mentioned, that in my
opinion must have emerged out of the field of “triggered  (by resonance)
potentialities  which deeper theories than QM are trying to develop (cf.
Josephson and Deutsch mentioned earlier). This enigmatic emergence of
action out of nothing (vacuum or pure potentiality) naturally allows  the
(co-)existence of such  heretic ideas as the immaterial “Holy Spirit” or
Hans Driesch”s vitalism, Jean Sharon’s eternal electron, or “The Matrix of
Matter and Life”at the sub-Planckian scale. How about this possible link to
Platonism, theology, logic and algebra?

All the best,


PS. I do not know why my notes appear twice on this list.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Louis H Kauffman <> wrote:

> This is a reply to Plamen’s comment about autopoeisis. In their paper
> Maturana,Uribe and Varela give a working model (computer model) for
> autopoeisis.
> It is very simple, consisting of a subtrate of nodal elements that tend to
> bond when in proximity, and a collection of catalytic nodal elements that
> promote bonding in their vicinity. The result of this dynamics is that
> carapaces of linked nodal elements form around the catalytic elements and
> these photo-cells tend to keep surviving the perturbations built into the
> system. This model shows that cells can arise from a very simple dynmamic
> geometric/topological substrate long before anything as sophisticated as
> DNA has happened.
> On Mar 29, 2016, at 2:54 PM, Stanley N Salthe <>
> wrote:
> Plamen wrote:
>  I begin to believe that the transition from abiotic to biotic structures,
> incl. Maturana-Varela.-Uribe’s autopoiesis may, really have some underlying
> matrix/”skeleton”/”programme” which has nothing in common with the nature
> of DNA, and that DNA and RNA as we know them today may have emerged as
> secondary or even tertiary “memory” of something underlying deeper below
> the microbiological surface. It is at least worth thinking in this
> direction. I do not mean necessarily the role of the number concept and
> Platonic origin of the universe, but something probably much more “physical”
> S: An interesting recently published effort along these lines is:
> Alvaro Moreno and Matteo Mossio: Biological Autonomy: A Philosophical and
> Theoretical Enquiry (History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences
> 12) Springer
> They seek a materialist understanding of biology as a system, attempting
> to refer to the genetic system as little as possible.
> I have until very recently attempted to evade/avoid mechanistic thinking
> in regard to biology, but, on considering the origin of life generally
> while keeping Howard Pattee's thinking in mind, I have been struck by the
> notion that the origin of life (that is: WITH the genetic system) was the
> origin of mechanism in the universe.  Before that coding system, everything
> was mass action.  I think we still do not understand how this mechanism
> evolved.
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 7:40 AM, Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Lou, Pedro and All,
>> I am going to present a few opportunistic ideas related to what was said
>> before in this session. Coming back to Pivar’s speculative
>> mechano-topological model of life excluding genetics I wish to turn your
>> attention to another author with a similar idea but on a sound mathematical
>> base, Davide Ambrosi with his resume at
>> :
>> “Davide Ambrosi:
>> A role for mechanics in the growth, remodelling and morphogenesis of
>> living systems  In the XX Century the interactions between mechanics in
>> biology were much  biased by a bioengineering attitude: people were
>> mainly interested in  evaluating the state of stress that bones and
>> tissues undergo in order to  properly design prosthesis and devices.
>> However in the last decades a new vision is emerging. "Mechano-biology" is
>> changing the point of view, with respect to "Bio-mechanics", emphasizing
>> the biological feedback. Cells, tissues and organs do not only deform when
>> loaded: they reorganize, they duplicate, they actively produce dynamic
>> patterns that apparently have multiple biological aims.
>> In this talk I will concentrate on two paradigmatic systems where the
>> interplay between mechanics and biology is, in my opinion, particularly
>> challenging: the homeostatic stress as a driver for remodeling of soft
>> tissue and the tension as a mechanism to transmit information about the
>> size of organs during morphogenesis. In both cases it seems that mechanics
>> plays a role which at least accompanies and enforces the biochemical
>> signaling.”
>> Some more details about this approach can be found here:
>> In other words, for the core information theorists in FIS, the question
>> is: is there really only (epi)genetic evolution communication in living
>> organisms. Stan Salthe and Lou Kauffman already provided some answers. I
>> begin to believe that the transition from abiotic to biotic structures,
>> incl. Maturana-Varela.-Uribe’s autopoiesis may, really have some underlying
>> matrix/”skeleton”/”programme” which has nothing in common with the nature
>> of DNA, and that DNA and RNA as we know them today
>> may have emerged as secondary or even tertiary “memory” of something
>> underlying deeper below the microbiological surface. It is at least worth
>> thinking in this direction. I do not mean necessarily the role of the
>> number concept and Platonic origin of the universe, but something probably
>> much more “physical” or at least staying at the edge between
>> physical/material and immaterial such as David Deutsch’s constructor theory
>> ( and Brian Josephson’s
>> “structural/circular theory” (
>> searching for the theories
>> underpinning the foundations of the physical laws (and following Wheeler’s
>> definition for a “Law without Law”.
>> Some of you may say that QT and Gravitation Theory are responsible for
>> such kind of strange effects, but I would rather leave the brackets open,
>> because the recent discussion about potentialities and actualities in QM
>> brings up the idea that there are still different ways of looking at those
>> concepts (although they are strictly defined in their core domains). This
>> was actually also the lesson from the last special issue on integral
>> biomathics (2015) dedicated to phenomenology, with the different opinions
>> of scientists and philosophers on obviously clear matters in their domains.
>> This is why also the question of what we define as science needs to be
>> probably revised in future to include also such issues that are “felt”
>> rather than “reasoned”, even if we do not have the “proofs” yet, because
>> the proofs also emerge as subjective (or perhaps “suggested”! – ask the
>> psychologists for that aspect) thoughts in the minds of the mathematicians.
>> I am really glad that we began such a phenomenological discussion on this
>> aspect such as Hipolito’s paper (
>> that
>> was widely commented in the reviewer’s circle. In many cases when we have a
>> “fuzzy” intuition about a certain relationship or analogy we miss the
>> correct definitions and concepts, and so in a creative act to hold down the
>> flying thought we move to using examples, metaphors, pictures. Pedro
>> correctly addressed the explanatory problem of science which presupposes a
>> certain causative and predicative “workflow” to derive a conclusion from
>> the facts, and this is the way in which also proofs are (selectively) made.
>> As a young scholar I often wondered how artificially people like Gauss,
>> Cauchy and Weierstrass  design their proofs, but then I got used to that
>> style. I am thankful to Lou for his response on my question about using
>> adequate “resonant” methods to model developmental biology, because this is
>> also an important aspect of the biology (and physics as well) including the
>> phenomenological/first-person view of an “observer-participant” (to use
>> Vrobel’s term) which is crucial for understanding the process of
>> self-reflection/recursion/cycle in science, which is usually led by what?:
>> the intuition, also well recognized by such giants like Poincare and
>> Einstein. Isn’t not “resonance” in the core of detecting such vibration
>> between the observer and the observed? Because logic, back trace, prove
>> come later.
>> And finally, when looking at the clear simple mathematical abstractions
>> of numbers, vectors, directions, sets, algebras, geometries, etc. used by
>> many without scrutinizing when developing system (biological) models of yet
>> another kind of mechanics/automation/machinery of the physical reality, I
>> am asking myself which are the premises for using such tools to describe a
>> model: the parameters, or the idea behind? It is probably not a commonly
>> known fact (even for those who are engaged with such exciting disciplines
>> as algebraic geometry and geometrical algebra, now considered to be very
>> close to what we wish to express in biology) that William Hamilton, the
>> inventor of the quaternions did not simply use the already known concept of
>> “vector” in his method. Instead he used “step” with “direction” to express
>> a duration of time (or “duree” as Husserl called it from the other side of
>> the phenomenological divide) and action (to move from A to B): two very
>> biology-related concepts at that time (although they may be considered as
>> physical or computational today). He actually stated that if there is
>> geometry as a pure science of space, then algebra must be the pure science
>> of time [1]. What did we actually gain for biology from merging space and
>> time in physics?
>> Reference:
>> [1] W. R. Hamilton, 1835. Theory of Conjugate Functions, or Algebraic
>> Couples; with a Preliminary or Elementary Essay on Algebra as the Science
>> of Pure Time. *Trans. Royal Irish Acad*., Vol. XVII, Part II. 292-422.
>> Best,
>> Plamen
>> I have a few provoking notes related to what was said before in this
>> session. Coming back to Pivar’s speculative mechano-topological model of
>> life excluding genetics I wish to turn your attention to another author
>> with a similar idea but on a sound mathematical base, Davide Ambrosi with
>> his resume at
>> :
>> “Davide Ambrosi:
>> A role for mechanics in the growth, remodelling and morphogenesis of
>> living systems  In the XX Century the interactions between mechanics in
>> biology were much  biased by a bioengineering attitude: people were
>> mainly interested in  evaluating the state of stress that bones and
>> tissues undergo in order to  properly design prosthesis and devices.
>> However in the last decades a new vision is emerging. "Mechano-biology" is
>> changing the point of view, with respect to "Bio-mechanics", emphasizing
>> the biological feedback. Cells, tissues and organs do not only deform when
>> loaded: they reorganize, they duplicate, they actively produce dynamic
>> patterns that apparently have multiple biological aims.
>> In this talk I will concentrate on two paradigmatic systems where the
>> interplay between mechanics and biology is, in my opinion, particularly
>> challenging: the homeostatic stress as a driver for remodeling of soft
>> tissue and the tension as a mechanism to transmit information about the
>> size of organs during morphogenesis. In both cases it seems that mechanics
>> plays a role which at least accompanies and enforces the biochemical
>> signaling.”
>> Some more details about this approach can be found here:
>> In other words, for the core information theorists in FIS, the question
>> is: is there really only (epi)genetic evolution communication in living
>> organisms. Stan Salthe and Lou Kauffman already provided some answers. I
>> begin to believe that the transition from abiotic to biotic structures,
>> incl. Maturana-Varela.-Uribe’s autopoiesis may, really have some underlying
>> matrix/”skeleton”/”programme” which has nothing in common with the nature
>> of DNA, and that DNA and RNA as we know them today
>> may have emerged as secondary or even tertiary “memory” of something
>> underlying deeper below the microbiological surface. It is at least worth
>> thinking in this direction. I do not mean necessarily the role of the
>> number concept and Platonic origin of the universe, but something probably
>> much more “physical” or at least staying at the edge between
>> physical/material and immaterial such as David Deutsch’s constructor theory
>> ( and Brian Josephson’s
>> “structural/circular theory” (
>> searching for the theories
>> underpinning the foundations of the physical laws (and following Wheeler’s
>> definition for a “Law without Law”.
>> Some of you may say that QT and Gravitation Theory are responsible for
>> such kind of strange effects, but I would rather leave the brackets open,
>> because the recent discussion about potentialities and actualities in QM
>> brings up the idea that there are still different ways of looking at those
>> concepts (although they are strictly defined in their core domains). This
>> was actually also the lesson from the last special issue on integral
>> biomathics (2015) dedicated to phenomenology, with the different opinions
>> of scientists and philosophers on obviously clear matters in their domains.
>> This is why also the question of what we define as science needs to be
>> probably revised in future to include also such issues that are “felt”
>> rather than “reasoned”, even if we do not have the “proofs” yet, because
>> the proofs also emerge as subjective (or perhaps “suggested”! – ask the
>> psychologists for that aspect) thoughts in the minds of the mathematicians.
>> I am really glad that we began such a phenomenological discussion on this
>> aspect such as Hipolito’s paper (
>> that
>> was widely commented in the reviewer’s circle. In many cases when we have a
>> “fuzzy” intuition about a certain relationship or analogy we miss the
>> correct definitions and concepts, and so in a creative act to hold down the
>> flying thought we move to using examples, metaphors, pictures. Pedro
>> correctly addressed the explanatory problem of science which presupposes a
>> certain causative and predicative “workflow” to derive a conclusion from
>> the facts, and this is the way in which also proofs are (selectively) made.
>> As a young scholar I often wondered how artificially people like Gauss,
>> Cauchy and Weierstrass  design their proofs, but then I got used to that
>> style. It was a question of overall convention. I am thankful to Lou for
>> his response on my question about using adequate “resonant” methods to
>> model developmental biology, because this is also an important aspect of
>> the biology (and physics as well) including the
>> phenomenological/first-person view of an “observer-participant” (to use
>> Vrobel’s term) which is crucial for understanding the process of
>> self-reflection/recursion/cycle in science, which is usually led by what?:
>> the intuition, also well recognized by such giants like Poincare and
>> Einstein. Isn’t not “resonance” in the core of detecting such vibration
>> between the observer and the observed? Because logic, backtracing and proof
>> come later.
>> And finally, when looking at the clear simple mathematical abstractions
>> of numbers, vectors, directions, sets, algebras, geometries, etc. used by
>> many without scrutinizing when developing system (biological) models of yet
>> another kind of mechanics/automation/machinery of the physical reality, I
>> am asking myself which are the premises for using such tools to describe a
>> model: the parameters, or the idea behind? It is probably not a commonly
>> known fact (even for those who are engaged with such exciting disciplines
>> as algebraic geometry and geometrical algebra, now considered to be very
>> close to what we wish to express in biology) that William Hamilton, the
>> inventor of the quaternions did not simply use the already known concept of
>> “vector” in his method. Instead he used “step” with “direction” to express
>> a duration of time (or “duree” as Husserl called it from the other side of
>> the phenomenological divide) and action (to move from A to B): two very
>> biology-related concepts at that time (although they may be considered as
>> physical or computational today). He actually stated that if there is
>> geometry as a pure science of space, then algebra must be the pure science
>> of time [1]. What did we actually gain for biology from merging space and
>> time in physics? And if we apply a specific mathematical-computational
>> technique what is the key idea/intuition behind it?. Because, as a
>> colleague pathologist told me this morning about the model correctness when
>> predicting the development of tumors: the model can be assumed for being
>> correct based on the interpretation of some (limited) set of data, but
>> Ptolemy's system was also considered to be correct in its rather complex
>> way of predicting the movement of the celestial bodies. Where is the
>> difference? I am curious about your opinion.
>> *Reference:*
>> [1] W. R. Hamilton, 1835. Theory of Conjugate Functions, or Algebraic
>> Couples; with a Preliminary or Elementary Essay on Algebra as the Science
>> of Pure Time. *Trans. Royal Irish Acad*., Vol. XVII, Part II. 292-422.
>> Best,
>> Plamen
>> ______________________
>> 2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences,
>> Mathematics and Phenomenological Philosophy
>> <>
>> (note: free access to all articles until July 19th, 2016)
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