Dear Plamen, Bob, and FIS Colleagues,

I respond to ideas previously expressed on the connection of living cells with physics. SOC may be one of the ways, but there are other instances, eg "constructal law", catastrophe theory, tensegrity (at least, all of these are well related to development), and many others... My own bet regarding the centrality and potential extension of the construct is "molecular recognition". Elevating beyond heterogeneity, its conflation with symmetry makes sense on the polymerization and supramolecular strategies of life.

Molecular recognition appears as the key element from which the whole biochemical and evolutionary universe is constructed. Like any other chemical reaction, recognition between molecules is based on the “making and breaking of bonds”. This ––and only this–– is what makes possible the mutual recognition and the formation of complexes between biomolecular partners. The big problem with biomolecular recognition instances is that they involve an amazing variety and combinatorics of almost any type of chemical interaction: hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic / hydrophilic forces, dipole forces, van der Waals forces, ionic Coulombian forces, etc. Dozens or even hundreds of weak bonds participate, for instance, in the formation of a protein-protein specific complex. Quite probably, measuring molecular recognition and establishing its crucial parameters and variables can only be realized biologically on a case-by-case basis. At least this is the current trend in most molecular biological and molecular dynamic approaches. But a few "classic" references have provided some interesting insights about molecular-recognition generalities. First, *W. Meggs* about “biological homing”, mainly from a Coulombian “lock and key” combinatory point of view; then *Shu-Kun Lin* about the changes in thermodynamic entropy of mixing derived from molecular similarity changes; and finally *M. Carlton*, with original proposals for measuring the information content of any complex molecular system.

Anyhow, the result of the whole organization of molecular recognition instances would remind our artificial computers--is it interesting to connect them "meaningfully" with physics? Yes, the physics is all around, but it is submerged very deep into the architectural and functional constraints of the living system. No royal road, no "camino real" to explain the entirety, a pleiad of disciplines has to be involved. For cancer, or for biomaterial engineering, recombination of multiple disciplines becomes the basic research enterprise of our times. We have to combine the surfing of many disciplines with the occasional fundamental insights (from physics, maths, symmetry, information science, etc.). But neither reductionism, nor wholism, nor phenomenology, nor perspectivism, nor... are going very far making sense of the whole social intelligence caught into action (blind spots included). We made the "artistic" drawing below.

Enough for today. Greetings to all, and congratulations to Xueshan for his Magnus Opus! --Pedro

*Disciplines involved in modern biomaterial research. The representation is based on the description made by bioengineer **James Kirkpatrick (2009) and also del Moral et al., (2011).*

El 02/06/2016 a las 13:20, Pedro C. Marijuan escribió:

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Robert E. Ulanowicz <> wrote:

    > Dear Bob,
    > thank you for your response. What you said in the core -
    heterogeneity -
    > resonated with the first suggested example I began this session
    with: the
    > puzzle of registering the heterogeneity of cancer, both in the
    > molecular-biological and histological level, both in space and
    time. It
    > appears that exactly this elusive property of matter, liveness,
    from the
    > single cell to entire eco-systems, which implies intelligence
    > all scales (as Brian Ford states) is what we still cannot in
    > biology put on the feet of statistical mechanics and classical
    > physics.Aren't tumors such intelligent clusters of heterogeneous
    > computers interacting within internaly secured invasive networks
    > escape our medical enigma code breakers placed in our synthetic
    drugs and
    > radiation devices? Also such undesired life is not easy to
    kill.  And yet
    > cancer cannot win the battle unless our own internal systems
    surrender and
    > become allies of the invador.

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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