Dear colleagues, 


It seems to me that a definition of information should be compatible with the 
possibility to measure information in bits of information. Bits of information 
are dimensionless and “yet meaningless.” The meaning can be provided by the 
substantive system that is thus measured. For example, semantics can be 
measured using a semantic map; changes in the map can be measured as changes in 
the distributions, for example, of words. One can, for example, study whether 
change in one semantic domain is larger and/or faster than in another. The 
results (expressed in bits, dits or nits of information) can be provided with 
meaning by the substantive theorizing about the domain(s) under study. One may 
wish to call this “meaningful information”. 


I am aware that several authors have defined information as a difference that 
makes a difference (McKay, 1969; Bateson, 1973). It seems to me that this is 
“meaningful information”. Information is contained in just a series of 
differences or a distribution. Whether the differences make a difference seems 
to me a matter of statistical testing. Are the differences significant or not? 
If they are significant, they teach us about the (substantive!) systems under 
study, and can thus be provided with meaning in the terms of  studying these 


Kauffman et al. (2008, at p. 28) define information as “natural selection 
assembling the very constraints on the release of energy that then constitutes 
work and the propagation of organization.” How can one measure this 
information? Can the difference that the differences in it make, be tested for 
their significance? 


Varela (1979, p. 266) argued that since the word “information” is derived from 
“in-formare,” the semantics call for the specification of a system of reference 
to be informed. The system of reference provides the information with meaning, 
but the meaning is not in the information which is “yet meaningless”. 
Otherwise, there are as many “informations” as there are systems of reference 
and the use of the word itself becomes a source of confusion.


In summary, it seems to me that the achievement of defining information more 
abstractly as measurement in bits (H = - Σ p log(p)) and the availability of 
statistics should not be ignored. From this perspective, information theory can 
be considered as another form of statistics (entropy statistics). A substantive 
definition of information itself is no longer meaningful (and perhaps even 
obscure): the expected information content of a distribution or the information 
contained in the message that an event has happened, can be expressed in bits 
or other measures of information.






Loet Leydesdorff 

Professor, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)

 <> ;  
Associate Faculty,  <> SPRU, University of Sussex; 

Guest Professor  <> Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou; 
Visiting Professor,  <> ISTIC, Beijing;

Visiting Professor,  <> Birkbeck, University of London; 



From: Fis [] On Behalf Of John Collier
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 12:04 PM
To: Joseph Brenner; fis
Subject: Re: [Fis] Fw: "Mechanical Information" in DNA


I am inclined to agree with Joseph. That is why I put “mechanical information” 
in shudder quotes in my Subject line.


On the other hand, one of the benefits of an information approach is that one 
can add together information (taking care to subtract effects of common 
information – also describable as correlations). So I don’t think that the 
reductionist perspective follows immediately from describing the target 
information in the paper as “mechanical”. “Mechanical”, “mechanism” and similar 
terms can be used (and have been used) to refer to processes that are not 
reducible. “Mechanicism” and “mechanicist” can be used to capture reducible 
dynamics that we get from any conservative system (what I call Hamiltonian 
systems in my papers on the dynamics of emergence – such systems don’t show 
emergent properties except in a trivial sense of being unanticipated). I think 
it is doubtful at best that the mechanical information referred to is 


John Collier

Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate

University of KwaZulu-Natal


From: Fis [] On Behalf Of Joseph Brenner
Sent: Thursday, 09 June 2016 11:10 AM
To: fis <>
Subject: [Fis] Fw: "Mechanical Information" in DNA


Dear Folks,


In my humble opinion, "Mechanical Information" is a contradiction in terms when 
applied to biological processes as described, among others, by Bob L. and his 
colleagues. When applied to isolated DNA, it gives at best a reductionist 
perspective. In the reference cited by Hector, the word 'mechanical' could be 
dropped or replaced by spatial without affecting the meaning.






----- Original Message ----- 

From: Bob Logan <>  

To: Moisés André Nisenbaum <>  

Cc: fis <>  

Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 4:04 AM

Subject: Re: [Fis] "Mechanical Information" in DNA


Thanks to Moises for the mention of my paper with Stuart Kauffman. If anyone is 
interested in reading it one can find it at the following Web site:


Here is the abstract:


Propagating Organization: An Inquiry. 

Stuart Kauffman, Robert K. Logan, Robert Este, Randy Goebel, David Hobill and 
Ilya Smulevich. 

2007. Biology and Philosophy 23: 27-45.


Our aim in this article is to attempt to discuss propagating organization of 
process, a poorly articulated union of matter, energy, work, constraints and 
that vexed concept, “information”, which unite in far from equilibrium living 
physical systems. Our hope is to stimulate discussions by philosophers of 
biology and biologists to further clarify the concepts we discuss here. We 
place our discussion in the broad context of a “general biology”, properties 
that might well be found in life anywhere in the cosmos, freed from the 
specific examples of terrestrial life after 3.8 billion years of evolution. By 
placing the discussion in this wider, if still hypothetical, context, we also 
try to place in context some of the extant discussion of information as 
intimately related to DNA, RNA and protein transcription and translation 
processes. While characteristic of current terrestrial life, there are no 
compelling grounds to suppose the same mechanisms would be involved in any life 
form able to evolve by heritable variation and natural selection. In turn, this 
allows us to discuss at least briefly, the focus of much of the philosophy of 
biology on population genetics, which, of course, assumes DNA, RNA, proteins, 
and other features of terrestrial life. Presumably, evolution by natural 
selection – and perhaps self-organization - could occur on many worlds via 
different causal mechanisms.

Here we seek a non-reductionist explanation for the synthesis, accumulation, 
and propagation of information, work, and constraint, which we hope will 
provide some insight into both the biotic and abiotic universe, in terms of 
both molecular self reproduction and the basic work energy cycle where work is 
the constrained release of energy into a few degrees of freedom. The typical 
requirement for work itself is to construct those very constraints on the 
release of energy that then constitute further work. Information creation, we 
argue, arises in two ways: first information as natural selection assembling 
the very constraints on the release of energy that then constitutes work and 
the propagation of organization. Second, information in a more extended sense 
is “semiotic”, that is about the world or internal state of the organism and 
requires appropriate response. The idea is to combine ideas from biology, 
physics, and computer science, to formulate explanatory hypotheses on how 
information can be captured and rendered in the expected physical 
manifestation, which can then participate in the propagation of the 
organization of process in the expected biological work cycles to create the 
diversity in our observable biosphere.

Our conclusions, to date, of this enquiry suggest a foundation which views 
information as the construction of constraints, which, in their physical 
manifestation, partially underlie the processes of evolution to dynamically 
determine the fitness of organisms within the context of a biotic universe.






Robert K. Logan 

Prof. Emeritus - Physics - U. of Toronto  

Fellow University of St. Michael's College

Chief Scientist - sLab at OCAD


On Jun 8, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Moisés André Nisenbaum 
<> wrote:


Hi, John. It is amazing!!

I would like to highlight the word "constraints" at the caption of the DNA 
diagram (

"The rigid base-pair model is forced, using 28 constraints (indicated by red 
spheres), into a lefthanded superhelical path that mimics the DNA conformation 
in the nucleosome. Credit: Leiden Institute of Physics"

The same word is used by Bob Logan and Stuart Kauffman to relate mechanical 
concepts with 'information' (

Could it have any parallel between these two approaches?


Also, you usually think "DNA" associated with Biological Sciences, but this 
research is made at Leiden Institute of Physics! Of course, to work current 
(complex, innovative) science you must have an interdisciplinary approach.






2016-06-08 16:40 GMT-03:00 John Collier <>:

A previously hypothesized “second layer” of information in DNA may have been 


John Collier

Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate

University of KwaZulu-Natal


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Moisés André Nisenbaum
Doutorando IBICT/UFRJ. Professor. Msc.
Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ
Campus Rio de Janeiro

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