On 8 Feb 2018 at 4:05 PM, Loet Leydesdorff wrote:

>From a biological perspective, not language itself, but “languaging” behavior 
>is considered the system of reference.


On 13 Feb 2018 at 7:01 PM, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic wrote:

As in biology thre are different kinds of organisms there are also different 
kinds of “languages”. 





   Focusing upon languaging comes to shed light on the communication in time 
between whatever parties. The issue of time then reminds me of the oft-quoted 
Aristotelian aphorism on the vulgar nature of time. As calling attention to the 
nonexistence of both past and future at the present moment of now, Aristotle 
observed “the present now is not part of time at all, for a part measures the 
whole, and the whole must be made up of the parts, but we cannot say that time 
is made up of ‘nows’ (Physics Book 4, 218a)”. Thus, “there is a something 
pertaining to time which is indivisible, and this something is what we mean by 
the ‘present’ or ‘now’ (234a)”. One outcome from these observations is simply a 
metaphysical aporia as pointing to that time both does and does not exist. 


   One common-sense strategy getting out of the metaphysical impasse, which 
Aristotle would also seem to ‘reluctantly’ share, might be to view time as a 
linear succession of the now-points thanks to the additional idea of the 
levelling-off of the now points. This limiting procedure may help us to forget 
about the underlying aporia for the time being. But the contrast between 
languaging and language may revive our concern on whether we could dismiss the 
vulgar nature of time in a sweeping manner in a positive sense. So far, 
language has seemed to be quite at home with time as the linear succession of 
the  now points. That is so even in physics as we know it today. However, once 
the aspect of languaging is called up, the temporality of languaging may be 
found to differ from that of language. Languaging is not continuous, but 
distinctively discontinuous in distinguishing between the utterer and its 
potential respondent. Alternation of the role between utterer and respondent 
proceeds discretely temporally. (Bio)semiotician may seem to be sensitive to 
this issue of time. 


   Koichiro Matsuno





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