Hello fellow fish fans,

I'm working on a prompt editor, which will include a bunch of sample prompts 
that the user can preview and then use (or edit). I'd like to include real 
prompts contributed by real users, showing the range possible prompts.

If you're willing, please send me the following:

- Your fish_prompt function, or file if it contains multiple functions
- A suggested short name for it, hopefully descriptive ("Minimalist", "Git 
Savvy" ), or evocative ("Lotus Blossom"), or failing that, your name is fine 
- If you like, an attribution line ("John Doe's prompt - http://www.mysite.com";)

You can send it directly to me at corydo...@ridiculousfish.com, or post it to 
the list if you want to strut your stuff.

For the record, here's my prompt, which I'm calling "Minimalist" (but may 
change it if we get a bunch of minimalist prompts):

function fish_prompt
        set_color $fish_color_cwd
        echo -n (basename $PWD)
        set_color normal
        echo -n ' ) '

Thanks for any and all contributions!


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