
I ran into some trouble when I wanted to construct a command based on 
the contents of a file.  For the sake of the argument, let us say I have

   > cat >file
   cmd: echo -e foo\nbar

and I want to run the part after ‘cmd:’ as a command.  How do you do 
this in fish?

To elaborate, in bash I could do something like this

   $ $(grep file -e cmd: | cut -d: -f2)

but fish does not let me use ‘(…)’ as a command:

   > (grep file -e cmd: | cut -d: -f2)
   fish: Illegal command name “(grep file -e cmd: | cut -d: -f2)”

I also tried putting the command in by hand, and only getting the 
arguments from the external command, but that does not work either:

   > echo (grep file -e cmd: | cut -d' ' -f3-)
   -e foo\nbar

apparently because ‘(…)’ is interpreted as a single word.

I am using fish 2.0.0.


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