I was  paraphasing the design philosophy, clearly to a fault.

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Andrew Schulman <and...@utexas.edu> wrote:

> > Part of the fish philosophy is "it's not in fish if it's somewhere else"
> I know I'm new here, but at the risk of already wearing out my welcome, I
> don't completely agree with that approach.
> Everything in fish is already somewhere else.  Taken to its extreme, "it's
> not in fish if it's somewhere else" would mean that I would forget about
> using fish at all, and just write everything in Python.
> So there has to be some balance, between the convenience of having a
> feature built into fish, and the leanness and simplicity of leaving it out.
> fish is philosophically inclined toward the latter, which I get.
> In the case of regular expressions, granted there's a lot of complexity
> there.  But it seems awkward to me to have to write Perl or Python to get
> it done within fish.
> Anyway, thanks for explaining.  I do like fish, and am trying it out to see
> if it's the right tool to get my daily work done.
> Andrew
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