Hi Fishers,

In fish, command substitution returns a list when the command outputs 
multiple lines, like this:

 > function foo; echo $argv[1]; end
 > foo (echo a; echo b; echo c)

But what do you do when you need the output as one word?  (Where, in 
Other Shells, you might do ‘foo "$(echo a; echo b; echo c)"’.)

Here's the problem that leads me to ask this: I wanted to tell 
subversion to ignore all files present in my directory that are not 
already under version control.  This command gets me a list of those files:

 > alias svnlist "svn st | grep '\?' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2"

It outputs one file per line, which is just the format that the 
‘svn:ignore’ property expects.  But this

 > svn ps svn:ignore (svnlist) .

fails because the property value must be a single word.  On the other 
hand, this

 > svn ps svn:ignore (svnlist | tr '\n' ' ') .

as well as this

 > set tmp (svnlist); svn ps svn:ignore "$tmp" .

does not work because it puts all the files on one line.

In the present case you can use ‘svn propset’s --file option, either 
with standard input

 > svnlist | svn ps svn:ignore -F - .

or in combination with ‘psub’.  One of these workarounds is likely to 
work in many cases.  But still, is there a way to capture the exact 
output of a command?


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