Is there any way to force fish to perform parameter expansion on a
variable? That is, if a variable is equal to "*.txt", how can that be
expanded to "bar.txt baz.txt" or "" or whatever it actually matches?

The motivation for this is so that it's possible to write a function
"append_to_path_if_exists" that appends its argument to
fish_user_paths if and only if the argument actually exists as a
directory. So I want to be able to do:

append_to_path_if_exists "/Applications/ghc-*.app/Contents/bin"
append_to_path_if_exists "~/.gem/ruby/*/bin"
append_to_path_if_exists "/usr/lib/go-*/bin"

Without the quotes, fish (now) whines if these directories don't
exist, but with the quotes, I can't figure out a good way to actually
expand the argument within the append_to_path_if_exists function.

This is sort of possible via a subshell, but it's hardly ideal:

function glob
  echo (fish -c "count $argv > /dev/null ; and echo $argv")

$ glob "*.txt"
bar.txt baz.txt
$ glob "jjj*"

(Also doesn't work with multiple arguments.)

Am I going about this the wrong way?


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