On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 3:05 PM David Adam <zanc...@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Mar 2019, SanskritFritz wrote:
> > I'm writing completions for borg.
> > There is a special case where I want to achieve the following:
> > Fish should give a second archive list when the following scenario is
> > present (the cursor is now at the end of the line after a space):
> > borg diff repo::archive1
> > yielding this:
> > borg diff repo::archive1 archive2
> > I have found a solution with this code (with some debugging help as
> > well for now):
> >
> > function __fish_borg_is_diff_second_archive
> >     echo (commandline) >> ~/temp/debug.txt
> >     return (string match --regex ' diff .*::[^ ]+ '(commandline
> > --current-token) '"'(commandline)'"' >> ~/temp/debug.txt)
> > end
> > complete -c borg -f -n __fish_borg_is_diff_second_archive -a 'archive1
> > archive2 archive3'
> >
> > This works well, with one little problem, particularly that after
> > borg diff repo::archive1 archive2
> > pressing tab again lists the archives which I don't want. The reason
> > is that the regexp still matches the commandline. So I thought I try
> > to modify the regexp like this:
> >
> > function __fish_borg_is_diff_second_archive
> >     echo (commandline) >> ~/temp/debug.txt
> >     return (string match --regex ' diff .*::[^ ]+ '(commandline
> > --current-token)'$' '"'(commandline)'"' >> ~/temp/debug.txt)
> > end
> >
> > The only difference to the previous one is the '$' after the
> > --current-token. With that I want to achieve a more strict matching.
> > However this somehow doesn't match even the second archive, I have no
> > idea why. Issuing the following in the shell actually works well (this
> > is how I try to test the matching part):
> >
> > ~> string match --regex ' .*::[^ ]+ ''$' "borg diff repo::archive1 "
> >  diff repo::archive1
> > ~> string match --regex ' .*::[^ ]+ 'archi'$' "borg diff repo::archive1 
> > archi"
> >  diff repo::archive1 archi
> > ~> string match --regex ' .*::[^ ]+ ''$' "borg diff repo::archive1 archive2 
> > "
> > ~> echo $status
> > 1
> >
> > Now I don't know what is going on and I need your help please.
> Hi SanskritFritz,
> I asked our resident completions expert, faho@, and he has suggested the
> following:
> `'"'(commandline)'"'` is wrong. There's no need to add quotes, and that
> last quote will make it so `$` isn't directly after the current token
> anymore.

Hi and thanks for your answer.
Indeed this way it works, but I don't understand why, because when I
test that expression this works:
string match --regex ' diff .*::[^ ]+ 'aaa'$' "borg diff ::aaa aaa"
and this doesn't because (commandline) can contain spaces:
string match --regex ' diff .*::[^ ]+ 'aaa'$' borg diff ::aaa aaa

May I contact faho@ on github or is he reading this as well?

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