On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 1:21 PM Luciano ES <lucm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use fish_config to customize my colors and I have a problem with
> that: something that absolutely insists on being blue.

The `fish_config` utility is cool but I stopped using it after the first
week. It's easier to just tweak things from the CLI. Note that colors are
simply stored as a set of universal vars; e.g.,
`fish_color_autosuggestion`. You can see them by typing `set -U`.

> First off, when I am typing and fish suggests something, I get a
> color that I don't like. I try to change it with fish_config,
> but the resulting color on the terminal is never the same displayed
> on the fish_config color selector. So I have to try many, many colors
> until I find one that translates to something I'm willing to accept.

That's a fairly typical experience. Even if one of the demo background
colors is a close match for your terminal's background color the vagaries
of color handling mean that what you see in the browser is unlikely to
exactly match what you see in your terminal. In particular you may need to
add `set fish_term24bit 1` to your ~/.config/fish/config.fish to force fish
to use 24-bit colors rather than downgrading them to the 256 or 16 color

Then I accept fish's suuggestion for autocompletion and the
> autocompleted path is always dark blue, which is terrible on my
> pitch black background. It doesn't matter what I choose in the color
> picker, the result is always dark blue, without fail.

Note that there is a difference between command autosuggestions (which uses
`fish_color_autosuggestion` for the suggested but not accepted portion of
the command) and command parameters that have already been accepted (which
uses `fish_color_param`).

See http://fishshell.com/docs/current/index.html#variables-color

Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank
Fish-users mailing list

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